Our Services
Hatha Yoga
concentrates on the physical being with the Breathing (Pranayama).
Meditation and Relaxation
This is offered to relax, decrease stress, relieve tension and learn to quieten their mind. In our busy lives Meditation reteaches you to stop, relax, and find that quiet of your mind again!
Restorative Yoga
is following the same beliefs of Hatha Yoga but your supported with props in the poses. This style of Yoga is to reduce the strain and pressure on the Body and Mind. The aim of Yoga is to create balance and wellbeing within the person.
Children/Teen Yoga
Offered at Schools, Daycares and Preschools. Children and Teen Yoga is different to Adult class structure. There are group and partner work. Use of toys, books, music or props to enhance Yoga learning.
These are offered throughout the year on varying topics.
Monday 7-8.15pm
Tuesday 7-8.15pm
Thursday 5-6.30pm
Thursday 7-8.15pm
Term prices $20 per session (for term block)
Term prices $18 per session Seniors (for term block)
Casual fee $25 per session.